The new website for Ateah Realty in Victoria Beach Manitoba just went online. This site is the first to use our new Typo3 real-estate plugin developed in extbase and fluid.
continue >The new website for Ateah Realty in Victoria Beach Manitoba just went online. This site is the first to use our new Typo3 real-estate plugin developed in extbase and fluid.
continue >The Cruise Liner ‘DIE DEUTSCHLAND’, also known as the ‘MS-DEUTSCHLAND’ and as the ‘Traumschiff’ in the German TV series, has received a website in Typo3 with a complete new look and feel. The shipowning company Reederei Peter Deilmann GmbH asked our partner company finest communication to re-design the website, which is dedicated to their flagship MS-Deutschland. Finest communication asked FSnD to do the technical implementation in Typo3. The website relies very heavily on impressive pictures and stresses usability. It also shows the onboard webcam through Earth TV and lists all cruises this luxury liner will be undertaking for a year ahead of time. The display of the cruise listing and detail views was implemented in Typo3 6.0 and Extbase and Fluid, the new standard for developing Typo3 extensions. It is of course database driven and can each cruise can easily be … continue >
The latest Typo3 Website to go online is the site for Würtenberger Kunze.
Würtenberger Kunze is a legal firm specialized in intellectual property rights. They wanted their website in 3 different languages, English, German, Portuguese, each with its own domain, as they have many international customers, especially from Brazil.
continue >We have been very busy the last few months. Among other Typo3 websites we created a new site for First Components Distribution. Apart from the usual multilingual content our designers came up with a new flashy layout. A different slogan can be integrated into every header image.
continue >VVO, a financial investment broker, had their website made in Flash a few years ago. It never really got very good ranking with the search engines. Lately of course they also ran into the problem that their site could not be viewed by people using Apple’s new iPhone and iPad, as these devices do not support Flash.
continue >if you want your website and thus your services to be found on the Web. If you do not advertise your company website and services on the Internet’s new Social Media platforms such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger/Blogspot and Delicious you will receive less visitors to your pages. It is no longer enough to just have a nice website or blog. The new media needs to be served too.
continue >Together with the design agency finest communication FSnD has put another website online. Alpenzauber.eu
continue >FSnD has partnered with finest communication design agency in various projects. Now we have revamped the old flash webpage and replaced it with a modern website based on jQuery in Typo3 The site contains image sliders and different feature movies and animations. The navigation is done with a modern javascript menu. … continue >
FSnD Germany created a Website in Typo3 for the LLM Group in cooperation with the design agency vierzehn02, The website was created as a multi-lingual, multi-domain website for German, English and Chinese. With graphical text in the header image and a modern drop down menu.
continue >FSnD created a new Webshop for PlanteSystem together with the desing agency vierzehn02. The webshop was created using the shop software Veyton for PlanteSystem.
continue >If you own a bookmark portal or a bookmark page, you naturally want to be able to make money with it. That’s obvious. Very few actually do earn income with their bookmarks, because they go and make every mistake possible. To earn money with bookmark pages you first have to overcome your stinginess. What does that mean? Quite simple, don’t go and delete users and accounts haphazardly and selectively, but allow and permit them. Only delete those that have clearly violated your site rules. (Illegal content, pornography, Werez, etc.). If you keep to this rule and remain open to new entries, then you will start making money with your bookmark pages. Whether that is with Google Adsense or other ad providers. The more pages and subjects a bookmark portal contains, the more interesting it becomes for advertising companies. You make … continue >
Everyone who has created or worked on a larger website project has experienced the problem of dealing with the multitude of different browsers out there and their various quirks and failings. The plathoria of browsers goes from various versions of the Internet Explorer (IE 6 to 9 currently), to FireFox, Opera, Safari to more exotic applications such as Konqueror( used on Linux boxes ). The website developer usually has a favorite browser he or she uses for creating the webpages – most developers I know use Firefox, personally I prefer Opera. After completing the project, if they’re smart, they’ll check it out in various other Internet Browsers. It is usually not so good to tell your boss to have a look at the pages before you do that. Non-technical oriented people tend to use what their operating system provides out … continue >